If you have not received your first registration email, it has a simple fix: please go ahead and use the 'forgot password' function. This will initiate a new email to be sent.
We usually send emails twice, from two different mail providers. This way we want to have best deliverability.
If you have not received the email within 5 minutes after registration, 'forgot password' this might have one of the following reasons:
- email was marked as Junk or Spam. In this case, check "Spam" or "Junk" folders (this might be named differently based on your language).
- email was not received from your email provider, in such case you have to contact your email provider and ask them what has happened with your email.
We are sending emails from support@setupvpn.com and noreply@setupvpn.com. Please search your complete mailbox for one of these senders.
If you still cannot receive/find our emails, you may contact your email provider and ask them why they block your emails. Sometimes schools, universities, companies do block VPN companies intentionally.
Of course, feel free to re-initiate the 'forgot password' function again after 5 minutes to give things a new try.
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